Carding and Spinning

Learning to card and spin has been an adventure to say the least. I started out with hand carders which are fine, but labor intensive. I was given an awesome electric drum carder, that needed repair. The gift was great, but the cost to repair exceeded my budget. I purchased a small drum carder that is operated by turning a crank. This small carder has been working quite well for me. I purchased a Baby Brother and while this is a vast improvement over the use of hand carders for me I am still thinking about buying a larger drum carder. I am still mulling this over. I purchased a Fantasia Spinning Well a year or so ago and have improved my spinning ability by leaps and bounds from where I first began. I am finally getting this, it is a little like patting your head and rubbing your belly…

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Alpaca v. Tick

Tick bites can kill an alpaca if left untreated.  While doing my morning check and feeding of my herd I noticed one of my Alpacas was lying next to my…

The beginning…

Two Kids Farm began with a retirement plan to make and sell goats milk soap. While planning this new life venture I discovered that raising dairy goats was a little…

Baby Goat Shenanigans

Who does not love a baby goat? My first kidding season gifted me with 11 healthy kids, 3 bucklings and 8 doelings. I have a large goat pen where I…

Washing Fiber

After the initial fiber processing I was the fiber. I soak my fiber in a 5 gallon bucket with a cover, using the hottest tap water I can. I like…

Fiber Processing

All fiber animals must be sheared at least once per year. Angora goats must be sheared at least twice a year. Without shearing these animal will be weighted down by…